My Thoughts
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May 14, 2011
Magnum Weed
Famous Fucker
I got feelings and shit
Happiness is a ménage trios
Confidence is one step closer to Success
It’s work and I’m not always successful. The key is effort and establishing good diverse relationships
Behind every crazy man there is an even crazier woman
Nothing ventured, nothing learned
1 Against so many
1 With so many
They don’t really like you. Actually they kinda despise you. Remember those, but know who truly loves you.
Hard work is everything you expected but the reward is unimaginable.
Donald Trump demands Stevie Wonder is blind - @ACR0B
Happy Mothers Day to all you strong, supportive & beautiful women out there who handle it all.
If you’re fighting with or haven’t talked to your mom, mend that fence. You only get one true mother. Take the time for peace and forgive. It’s never to late.
January 13, 2011
Whose a Happy Hooker?
I’m Pro-Sex
Who loves you
Prime Hoe Central. Where we trust our hoes
Legend: Longevity and Contribution
Up all night with 4 girls in my room. They didn’t like each other at first, but they are now all getting along.
Those who are small can be great those who are great can be small.
Us and our strange concerns
I am not a Hater
Don’t chase it. It’ll come to you.
You critique while I create
I come alive in the night time
Reading a book could save your life
Sometimes in our lives we all have pain we all have sorrow but if we are wise we know that there’s always tomorrow – Lean on Me
Bustin’ makes me feel good – Ghostbusters
Here I am an observer of a sexual life
Mr.Marcus Sex Coach
Today is day 1. Chase the dream. No excuses
Obamamistic (Obama/optimistic)
I have the baddest behavior
I wanna be on Planet Git Down, right now.
December 30, 2010
Donate your time, money or food. Make a difference.
I get ignored for things I should’ve been noticed for, but I get credit for things I didn’t do.
I have the Baddest Behavior
It takes two to make a thing go right. It takes two to make it out of sight- Rob Base
I wanna be on Planet Git Down, right now.
Can you sleep in Pajama Jeans?
My dick is just an extension of my thoughts. So if I can think it I can fuck it.
Living in a wacky horny world.
The Porn Star Guide to Great Sex if you ain’t runnin wit it run from it muthafucka, alright.
Let a woman impress where you haven’t been impressed
Mother Focker
My dick is gonna be a star someday.
Is it to late for me to realize I’m the fuckin’ man?!
Plan to fail? Fail to plan.
A woman’s ass is so dam sexually commanding.
December 1, 2010 Poem For Roxanne
A poem to my sister;
Roxanne Roxanne, where ya at
I miss your voice this and that
More than that I miss you
What do I do
I’m here
Your there
Your kids with me
With their other mommy
We holding you down
You holding us up
Tell them what we made of
Times are difficult and hard
But God made us strong
So persevere we will
But it doesn’t change
We missing you still
We can achieve with you
In our hearts, this and that
Your love continues as planned
Know we love you
Roxanne Roxanne
October 17, 2010
It’s a crazy world and I’m in my element
I’m your biggest fan
Your mind thinks it and your body feels it
Different body but same soul
I know for a fact you don’t know what you got…till it’s gone.
I need a Suga Mama with dough, solid credit score and can take dick like a pro
No homo, I think lesbians are beautiful
Put the phone next to your vagina and tell her I said hello
Besides me whose in charge here?
I know Sex and Sex know me
I’m such a trip one minute swearing and drinking, the next crying and grieving
Pussy Overload
Human Need: Creativity
Human Need: Alternate Identity
Human Need: Toilet Paper
Human Need: Family
Those that fucked were thought to be insane by those that could not feel the pussy
Those that danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music
Gotta see the win even in a loss
We got each other through it all…
I got style I got class and I can definitely tap that ass
Don’t give up on your dreams…your dreams don’t give up on you
You see the horror I see the humor
Mr.Marcus is my doppelganger, my sexually driven twin
Eating pussy around the outside call it: The Roundabout
Busy planet. Living and dying. Loving and fighting. Busy planet. Failing and trying.
We move forward by giving back
Curious. Charming. Clever
I only argue with the people I care about cause I gotta live with them. Everybody else is an Overly Dramatic Dramatization
Show the love and be the love we need in this world and it’ll be and show you the same.
Defeat is your own dispute- Damien Marley
Be Daddy
September 1, 2010
Rest in peace, Roxanne Marie Young 2/17/82 – 8/13/10 … my lil sister
Loss is hard.
I’m in a crazy space, life after and life before. Be who I am but look to be more. I’m in the space pray for enough time to do what it takes
Even though you’ve been gone for an awhile, I’m stittin’ here missing your smile. You’d be here if you were able, but your in heaven being celebrated, the new Angel.
What do I do, God
Miss you Roxanne…Roxy
July 29, 2010
Imagination and Will are my superpowers
When your good at something it creates a confidence; When your insecure about something it creates an arrogance –Gordon Ramsey
Tricks make the world harder than it has to be –Warren G.
Pour Kool-Aid on you real slow lick it all off before it hit the floor –Gucci Mane
I know ya head bob plus the neck know – EMPD
Self-discipline is the best discipline
Why am I feeling like I can conquer some shit right now?
If white girls can be Cougars then sistas gott be Panthers
Happiness is free, Happy! With an exclamation mark cost
We all celebrate suffer together
Stupidest line: I blow her up, ballons! – Ludacris
I can’t lie. I like watching iCarly
I alone would expect to be your sole and exclusive standard. Therefore release me now before troubling yourself any further – Walt Whitman
2 shy muthafucka’s don’t talk much to each other
With SEX there is no common sense
Kermit is the man even though he’s a frog so fellas you know what were up against. Ribbit.
Some of the things I say are best said to music
Everything that makes an impression on me, become personal property
My life structured to my specifics |
June 7, 2010
Fortune favours the bold ? Terence
So bad guilt is sitting on my shoulder
I am a bad daddy
Sex is good for the mind, body and bank account
Maybe you should've care for it all
BP Oil: If they can drill then they can fill it
The strong will continue if you have it in you
A salute to all soldiers, men and women who fight for this country may you travel safely. (Memorial Day)
Send me an Angel, right now.
Some cats are primal you push and they will be provoked
He so gangsta, he recorded his RAP album while he was in a shootout¡¦¡±Turn my muthafuckin¡¯ mic up!¡± ?DeRay Davis
You pray for one pray for all. |
April 30, 2010
Adjective + Sexy (and your good)
Women keep your heels on during sex.
Trying to keep my sexual wants in check. Ain’t easy.
Desire money and pay beyond your dreams
Hope and you shall receive.
Please tell me why I gotta pick you up? Are you more important than Jesus? Cause he walked everywhere he went
Love & Respect
Thanks for the access
Brave person with an even braver soul
Not race specific but racist
I need a club where the energy is high and above
Sex appeal is 50% what you got and 50% what people think you got ?Luce Cannon
Where is Pippi Longstocking when you need her?
My temper doesn’t get me very far that’s?why I don’t have one
Talk radio is big in America. The First Amendment in full effect.
I need a new Thought
I’m a lucky insane crazy muthafucka. Thanks Mom.
First Rule of Pleasure: 1. Never use your real name (Vivid Vodka)
We are nothing without each other |
March 12, 2010
Cause I can make your bedrock
A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult
There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle ?Albert Einstein
A dream can be a missile.
True Haters hate themselves.
The Yapper Rapper gives rap a bad name
The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, and he adds no trouble to it
Rape of an oversexed mind
That which you manifest is in front of you. |
March 9, 2010
I am so Bionic
The photographer contributes to the picture as much as what is photographed.
Some girls make me wanna hump, vigorously.
I’ve thought of 9 impossible things, before breakfast.
Screaming into the mic “Let’s go!?is clich?but it works
Breakdancing still a major influence in dance.
Pussy is not feline. It is feminine.
Feminine Rhyme: A rhyme between stressed syllables followed by one or more unstressed syllables
World is full of uncomfortable men and comfortable women and vice versa.
This may or may not be for you: Stop Stressin??God got it.
Prevailing Thought: What are you waiting for?!
Once you know the truth, you cannot deny knowing it
Those with the clearest vision, lead the way.
Born to fuck. |
February 10, 2010
All I got is…this muthafuckin?life I live
Hips don’t lie
Boy hopes for the best, while man prepares for the worst
Practice what you Tweet
Stealing only creates the karma to one day be stolen from
Make me smile with your smile
Sin always lengthens the journey
To refuse to forgive is to continue to be unforgiven
I probably looked out for your friends and family, when you did’nt
Though it cost you all you have, get understanding
God will take care of your tomorrow. Live one day at a time. |
January 7, 2009
If you can win as an individual you can win as a team
Our past disappears
It’s an illusion, but one I want to have
Break it Down
If you are committed to the message the better you are as a messenger
Quality, integrity and value breed respect
Delusions of Grandeur
Somebody & Somebody else
Integrity: the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness…slightly bent
State of Being Undivided
Unified, unimpaired and uninterrupted |
April 1, 2008
Been a minute and time is money.
Porn: Not all about the sex, but the business behind the sex.
HMF (Horny Muthafucka)
I love who I hate
They love you, doubt you, hate you and want you.
We look good and we sang, so bitches open ya legs
Why sure things aint so sure.
Dreams can open your mind, if you never close it.
One doubt your out!
Do Work ?Big Black
Ignore nothing notice everything. |
March 17, 2008
Women cannot complain about men anymore until they start having better taste in them.
-Bill Maher
Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death
-Author Unknown
A bible a day, keeps the doubt away
GirlWood (a horny girl)
The Internet was only an first.
Family continues with those who participate in family.
When you get a thing the way you want it, leave it alone
-Sir Winston Churchill
In your dreams you are never old
Fight the power
Power the fight |
March 11, 2008
The only tricks that be fuckin up shit
are the ones i fuck and don't tell they pimp
and when the story is told
the muthafucka's are oh so bold
to say i owe
for the pussy that was never sold
Where is the girl is that her comin' around the corner
is this gonna be the night or will it be anotha loner
on hard and ready to make a move
i see her coming time to do what i do
dip and dab straight for the stab
shit you say make'em mad
but wit bring'em back glad
been had
real sad
if she stay mad
The reason for livin'
is the reason for believ'in
amazing what good music does to bad speakers
don't follow the student when he has no teacher
these are the things i'm trying to teach you
good things will always reach you
no doubt
have fun
ride in it for awhile
torn broken fucked up for awhile
led by anotha child
keep it quiet
or yell for awhile
you need me to dig deep
make it so you can't sleep
i'm worthy of this so
this game
influenced introduced to it now used to it
been in it for a minute now i know what to do
with it
i've been waiting for this
never hateful of this
extremely grateful of this
snatch it by the neck
cause I'm takin' this bitch
Why lie |
February 14, 2008
It’s easier to settle for average than strive for achievement
It’s easier to be saturated with complacency than stirred with compassion
It’s easier to be skeptical than successful
It’s easier to question than to conquer
It’s easier to rationalize your disappointment than realize your dreams
It’s easier to belch the baloney than bring home the bacon |
November 1, 2007
The good dream about what the bad do.
Keep the beast at bay
Aggressive men around a passive man
Why buy guns? Why not buy men? Men are cheaper than guns.
-The Magnificent Seven
Therapeutic Thought |
October 17, 2007
It's easier to settle for average than strive for achievement
It's easier to be saturated with complacency than stirred with compassion
It's easier to be skeptical than successful
It's easier to question than to conquer
It's easier to rationalize your disappointments than realize your dreams
It's easier to belch the baloney than bring home the bacon
Be Daddy |
October 15, 2007
Survive the times
From pastors to pimps and everyone in between to the player on the street if ya know what I mean, be Daddy.
Sometimes I think I aint the only one guilty in this crime.
Pono Movie.
Smokin' and Chokin' on weed.
Ever know anybody to wash a rental car?
Through the fire
You can never have a testimony without coming through a test
If you ask God for Patience, then he will give you the opportunity to practice it
When I drink or smoke I don't give a fuck and I get more shit that an illusion?
Don't trip, unless tripped.
Life is full of company. |
September 7, 2007
I am foreign everywhere and everywhere at home.
You go where the love is.
Effort, gives you everything.
To know good you gotta know bad.
Sexual presence giving way to Sexual performance.
Think of sex more than the next; talk dirty just to catch your breath.
Porn: Fuckin' Business |
August 21, 2007
From idea to conception to compete functionality, follow your dreams
Without effort, your dreams would just die in your head
Big dreams don't die
Sex does wonders for the body
You think you know, but you have no idea
Stay healthy, stay horny and stay ready |
August 18, 2007
No doubt. Ever.
Happy Birth Day!
Stay committed or forever omitted from your dreams
When your back stay back. And when your gone...stay gone
Pussy the Peace Offering
Supahead on the cover of King Magazine makin me the illest King ever
Cause they can't handle'em in the Rolls Royce Phantom
Justification for the modification
You'll always lose money chasing women, but you'll never lose women chasing money |
September 13, 2006
The Realest, The Truth, The Prophet, The Pimp, The Poet, The Words, The Street, The Rhyme, The Passion, The Music, The Mack, The Thug, The Gangsta, The Time, The Gun, The Right, The Wrong, The Illumination, The Intelligence, The Respect, The Brotha, The Mutha, The City, The Row, The Real, The Muthafucka...the One.
In Love you Rest.
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