My Thoughts
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Been in the game long? Cause you always play to win and the game never ends

Eazy-E before Tupac, all the respect to both

My digital camera, provides immediate digital satisfaction

The man who loves no one, but needs to be loved… by everyone

If you question the road you are on, eventually it all comes to you and you realize it's the road you've been on that will get you to where you're going

Us men are only as smart as our times

They only tell you the truth if they love you. Really love you.

Truth:Love; Love:Truth

This is your luck, I know how to fuck your body is a wonderland…I plan to fuck

Artists of color often disregarded

I can't worry about the day to day, but it's the week to week that I go by and the month to month that I know and it's the years that I feel.

Forgive me for not forgiving you

This is the time we all share so give it unselfishly

New money finds a way of becoming old…real fast

Lose something?

Wanted: Peace of mind, piece of pie, and piece of ass

Sex sells appeal

Truly the truth shall set you free

Rarely the one who cares, but always the one who needs too

The human spirit is resilient, no matter what the set back; it grows even stronger than before

Quiet as it's kept, I'm loud

Tupac wasn't lying when he said "All Eyez on Me"

I'll be me

Why try to define yourself to what can't be defined?

Individual/ adj. Single human being

It's all beautiful

I'm hot on these streets

Good thoughts ahead

So many girls who have not yet had the pleasure

We are all sexually encouraged

Show me love and you get back respect

Show you respect and I get back love

I am a brazy nigga

A sexual nature; a world of sex

Life without lasagna is worst

They're not naked now, but they will be

Happy Baby Daddy Day

What is an expressionist when you can't express?

I've always wanted to just relate

Become a smart man who digest the thought

From the boredom a mind always wanders

As a father provide emotionally as well as financially

Meat so raw, I thought I saw a cow limp away

You don't have to fuck all of them, just the ones you like

Just cause you don't feel me, I'm suppose to feel you?

Information is relevant the moment you hear it

If you give her love instead of hate what a difference it will make


Making the world 'sexy' one person at a time

I adore more than ignore

For every brief encounter, someone gets it much longer

Strength in Love

The sadness of losing love never compares with the pain of never finding it

My Brief Valentine

Find so many ways to say, "I love you"

Every woman needs that way the only way you can give, when your eating her pussy give her another reason to live, when it's time to kiss, don't miss the fact that she has two lips, her hair oh it's there for a reason so don't be scared to allow your fingers to caress and care, a favorite season is to have her fall forward and winter from behind as I give her a long summer to spring her mind

Love your sisters as you love your brothers

I loved him and he loved the people (Agnes)

Learn me the way to teach the word of love For that's the pure intelligence above (Ann Plato)

We need all the truth we can get

In our lives comes tragedy and with it comes amazing strength

Resentment grows, deceit confuses, anger destroys, hatred smothers, distrust blinds and LOVE conquers all.

Loss of life gained by death, to live eternally

I try to learn as much as I can because I know nothing compared with what I need to know (Muhammad Ali)

Music, I hear my way through the world (Paul Robeson)

The misspellings of someone's last name becomes infinite

What are you doing for others?

It's a blessing to die for a cause, because you can so easily die for nothing (Andrew Young)

My Baby, My Truth

Words on a shirt say everything you don't have to (i.e.; Exactly)

Becoming a businessman is anything but business as usual

There is only your kind of sex
Artist: NationSaidIt
Label: Family Ties Entertainment
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