Ask Mr. Marcus
Your love life giving you misery?
Ask and your question may appear on my site with my answer, which might help someone else.
Email Me
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- anonymous wrote:
Hey Marcus,
My question is nice and simple...I want you to fuck me, can you make that happen? I want that black dick inside of me!!! Every time I watch your films, I get turned on instantly!
We're gonna post your question on the site, anonymously of course, glad I can inspire that thought so explicitly.
- Mr. Marcus
- Shalada wrote:
Hi Markus,
I know you don't know or remember me from adam but I met you Friday 27th at the Exxxotica convention. I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate you being such a nice guy! I don't know what I expected but you are
really down to earth and personable! My aunt and I asked for a picture in the hallway and you happily participated without the typical hollywood attitude that you get from most celebs. You were very genuine and didn't make us
feel like we were bothering you :-). I actually bought two photo's and a movie of which I probably never would have done if you hadn't been so cool! One more thing, I didn't know you had a book out?? Why didn't you bring a
box of them to the convention??? They would have sold themselves! Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you for being such a nice person, if I hadn't met you the entire convention would have been a real drag!
Have a great day and you don't have to post this to your site...
Shalada Allen
look me up on facebook if you cant remember what i look like (not that it matters).
Thanks for that. Sometimes the convention can wear ya down, but most of the time the energy you get from people picks you right back up. I like to see people happy cause in return they do the same for me, feel me, besides I
need your support, cause ya know I do some crazy shit.
My books are gonna be back in my stock before Christmas, maybe even by Thanksgiving. I'm working on it. And I will definitely have a few for you to buy :)
Thanks again for your email, glad to hear you had a good time. The cats at Exxxotica do a good job at bringing the best talent to the shows, so we appreciate your support, definitely.
- Mr. Marcus
- chiva wrote:
My name is Chivareaux and I'm 18 years old. And I would like to go in the porn industry. Could you gave me some advice how to break in as a male actor. And I'm living in holland.
...bring some of those Holland bitchez into the busines asap!!!
- Mr. Marcus
- Diana B. wrote:
Mr. Marcus,
I am seeing a guy who is a bit of a sexual deviant and we're really into each other and have AMAZING sex but I'm not sure I could ever get him to be monogamous. What are your thoughts on monogamy seeing as how you are a
pornstar and in a relationship? How do you and your lady deal with that issue?
-Diana B.
I'm the wrong person to ask about monogamy. Each relationship can't compare to another, so you have to ask him what he wants from you and you have to tell him what you want in return and see if you and him are on the same
page. Go from there...
- Mr. Marcus
- Janice wrote:
Hey Mr. Marcus.
I'm a big fan of yours so I think it only right that I report this to you. Now unless you've moved to the UK then somebody else on the Plenty of Fish dating site is using your pictures on their profile. Check out
That what gives the internet and dating sites a bad name
They've been using my pics and saying they're me, since I put my pics out there to be seen, real shit. All you can do is let them know what's really up.
- Mr. Marcus
- Candie wrote:
My name is Candie and I am a huge fan...might I just say that you are so damn fine. :) You look like a beefed up version of my husband and I love it! He's a huge fan too by the way. He's actually deployed right now and will
hopefully be home in a matter of weeks so I was wanting to buy some Daddy Inc stuff to wear for him when we get to finally be alone but I can't find anywhere online that I can buy it. Would you be able to point me in the
right direction? I'm wanting a hat and something similar to what Jenaveve Jolie is wearing in a video she is in with you...I would greatly appreciate any info you can give me. Thanks again, Candie
Dam, I love that you wanna buy some Daddy gear, especially to give your a solider a welcome home gift. I'mma have them ready by November. Check the site
before the holidays and order Appreciate your support.
- Mr. Marcus
- Asja wrote:
Marcus i was just wondering if u ever visit a uk, it would be nice to see u on an island ... lol
I would like to be on an island too!!!! Bora Bora or Fuji. :)
- Mr. Marcus
- carla wrote:
Hello Mr. Marcus...
I would like to know if you think the performance of oral sex on you feels better than vaginal sex? (your opinion) Do you enjoy oral sex better or vaginal? I have met men that have had oral sex but never it makes
me skeptical about performing it on them because I don’t want to blow their mind! Although I am a woman that wants to satisfy my mate to the fullest!! If I know I am capable of making him “shoot” through oral, do you think it
would be a good idea for me to perform this act on him if I I'm not sure if how serious I want to be with him?
PERFORM IT PERFORM IT!!!!! That's all I gotta say about that.
- Mr. Marcus
- joel wrote:
Hi Mr. Marcus just let me say that I am a big fan of your work but there is something that I have always wanted to know about porn stars you get to fuck all these hot girl but my question is even though you get to fuck all
these hot girls do you still masturbate and if so how often do you masturbate. I would also like to know if you have any tips on mutual masturbation and if you and your girl masturbate together thanks your fan joel
Let her start first, suggest it, and when she gets good and into it, start doing the same. I've met plenty of women who get off on watching a man masturbate. Tell her you get off on watching her play with herself. If you show
an appreciation she'll become comfortable and won't feel shy or embarrassed, she'll feel encouraged to relax and really enjoy herself, especially if she sees you like it.
- Mr. Marcus
- Kendra wrote:
I'm sure you hear this a lot from your female fans... But I figured I'd take my chances. I have wanted you for a long time. Youre the only male pornstar that turns me on and gets me off. Everything about you is sexy. I want
to hang with you... And I wouldn't mind you fucking me of course ;). Youre a busy man and I'm sure you get a lot of offers.... But I couldn't resist telling you how much you stand out to me... And Id love to experience you in
What do I say??? I'm speechless...with a smile on face. Picture that.
- Mr. Marcus
- Jasmine wrote:
I am lightskin, long black hair, about 5'1... I think you are very sexy and would love if you would consider it
Thank you. Awww those were those pics you sent earlier huh? Got it. I'm positive you got more than a few cats in your area who are more than willing to accept your virginity as a gift from the love gods.
- Mr. Marcus
- Shastaffa wrote:
If I really wanted to persue a porn career...where and how do I start?
Send some pics that "WOW" a muthafucka and go from there...
- Mr. Marcus
- Escudero wrote:
Yeah, man! I know it must seem weird as shit, but it's God's honest truth, I swear!
If you're curious, you should check out the Yahoo groups dedicated to your work, and there are other pornstar foot fetish groups (male and female) that also seek those same scenes. Do you think you'll do more scenes like the
ones you did in Oral Consumption and some others in the future?
I think that by diversifying the sexual acts you perform in each of your scenes, you'll draw in more and more fans. In other words, keep to the traditional stuff, but also indulge in some more fetish acts for those freakier
fans of yours out there (e.g., myself). Of course, you're the boss, and you know the business better than I.
If you can think of specific scenes or movies where your feet have enjoyed this kind of attention, please let me know--I'm a big fan! Thanks for the response and for keeping it real for your fans!
Honestly I wanna be more behind the scenes. I'll leave the freakier stuff to the other guys and concentrate more on the business of sex.
- Mr. Marcus
- I Wonder wrote:
This is tammy again. Excuse me? I never said any cliches or stereotypes. Read carefully next time. I said that's what the father of the girl said. I don't have any problem with people in the sex industry. I was asking you, as
someone who is in the sex industry, a father and a family man how you would handle the situation. I was wondering how did you break it to your family so maybe my friend's daughter could follow. You seem to take offense to a
lot of questions thrown at you. This is the life you've chose and you gave us, as fans, to ask you questions. If you're going to be bitchy about it then I won't waste my time. I thought you were a nice guy who actually cared
enough to hear his fans questions and answer with some type of maturity and sincerity but I was wrong. For future reference, actually read what your fans are saying because I was giving you compliments and you just attacked
me as if I degraded you.
Ok. Seems we have a failure to communicate. Maybe I answered your question on a bad day when I was being short-sighted, after re-reading your email I realize you genuinely care about your friends daughter and were looking for
a honest answer in return. I apologize for misunderstanding your question. I get a little protective when people mention my daughters and use them as an example. I am well aware of the growing and looming challenge that lays
ahead for my family and my choice of career. I'll cross that bridge when I get there.
But concerning your friend's daughter, I wouldn't know how to handle it if she decided to enter the adult industry that's probably why I'm trying hard to provide as many opportunities as possible for her, so she'll know she
has choices in the world. She's not destined to follow my steps into this business, many kids do the complete opposite of their parents. (ie: Montana Fishbourne) With that said, her father's opinions are his own, if they
aren't shared by his daughter he has to learn to respect the choices she makes, especially if she is considered an adult. Besides there are other opportunities in the adult industry besides being a porn star.
- Mr. Marcus
- Kendra wrote:
And here I was expecting I'd never hear back from you... I'm surprised. And delighted. What should I do if I want to see your fine handsome ass in person?
I host parties, so I'll post when I get on the road and travel, if I'm coming to a city near you, roll thru.
- Mr. Marcus
- joel wrote:
thank you so much for answering my question but i have one more do you and your girl masturbate together thanks
Naw, we haven't. My girl is probably just as shy as yours. I'm waiting to use that for later. I'm savin' it. LOL.
- Mr. Marcus
- Corey D. wrote:
Hey Marcus! I really like the website and I’m a huge fan since of your films since the late 90s. I think out of a group of male actors working in adult today you have the most name recognition out in the mainstream outside of porn. Especially in the black community. It’s like whenever you say Mr. Marcus ppl start laughing or smiling because they already know what that name represents they can’t even front. Then came the video you released a few years back with the infamous “video vixen” herself, Ms. Karrine Stefans. A straight classic! (Clearly I’m a stan! Lol) I’m also interested in starting up a blog about you as Mr Marcus the entertainer kind of like the yahoo groups back in the day but cleaner and more modern. What is your opinion on fan tributes dedicated to you the performer. Any thoughts or opinions on it?
Corey D.
P.S. I’m one of the thousands of friends u have on FB lol
Creating a fan site is cool, gives people a place to love and hate what I've done. I'm all for that, matter of fact I'm more interested in what people think beyond the world of porn, I want to know what people feel and think about SEX.
Give me some ideas of what that page is going to include, maybe I can help in setting it up.
- Mr. Marcus
- jessica wrote:
I Wld love to have a sexy section wit u n I have only have sex once in my life n I'm 21 so hit bac
Ok, send me some pictures so I'll know what you look like. I like to know ahead of time, who I'm gonna have sex with.
- Mr. Marcus
- Escudero wrote:
Hey there, Mr. Marcus! I'm a bisexual male, and I've been a big fan of yours for a long time; I'm 25 now, which means I've been watching your stuff for about ten years. You are, by far, my favorite male pornstar.
I have a few questions for you concerning a sexual activity that many in your fan base would consider well outside the mainstream. You have had your feet licked and your toes sucked in a number of films you've been in--Oral Consumption 1-5, Rough Sex 1-2, Black Cock Stars 3 (Miko Lee did the honors there). Is this something you enjoy having done to you? What does it feel like? Honestly, it looks like it would feel pretty good. Are there any other movies where women are working over your feet? Will you do this in the future? There are a number of fan groups where your foot scenes are well sought-after, though you may not believe it.
I know it's a weird subject to ask about, but if you could satisfy my curiosity, I would really appreciate it. Gotta make myself a member of your site! Many others and I will keep watching, so please keep up the good work!
Thanks for your time!
--A fan
I had to stop laughing long enough to type a response. Can't believe there are fan groups out there seeking scenes where my feet are the stars. Sounds like a cruel joke, to be honest. But to tell you the truth, I like having my feet massaged, washed and sucked. I was fortunate that I worked with a few girls who didn't mind hooking that up for me and a camera was close by. On a serious note, feet are underappreciated so any attention given to them should be celebrated by the queens and kings of the world.
- Mr. Marcus
- Leo wrote:
Hows It Going Mr. Marcus,
My Name Is Leo (Follow Me On Twitter @GodsGiftIIWomen). My Situation Is This, I've Decided To Wait Until I Was Married To Have Sex. The Thing Is When I Tell A Woman That She'll Say "Aww Thats Sweet. Hold On To It As Long As You Can, Cuz Once Its Gone Its Gone." Then They Don't Wanna Date Me Because Of That. Do You Think I Should Drop My Morals One Time And Have One Night Full Of Sin Or Stand My Ground And Continue On This Path?
Thanks And Be Blessed,
Your morals are what defines your character. Don't become discourged, if you waited this long, there must be a good reason. Stick to your guns, there are plenty of women out there in the world who can appreciate and respect your'll find her or she'll find you. Leave all the nights full of sin to me, it's best if you leave that kind of stuff to an expert.
- Mr. Marcus
- Jasmine wrote:
Hi, my name is Jasmine and I am a huge fan of yours! I was wondering if you could take my virginity... I know it is a long shot but I thought I might try anyways:)
You want me to take your virginity? Hmmm sounds tempting. What do you look like?
- Mr. Marcus
- jor wrote:
Hey mr marcus,
My name is jor I live in Curacao somewhere in the Caribbean near by Aruba. My english is bad. But anyway I'm big fan even put a hat on during sex hahahah. I have this problem I'm very good in 4play but I get so excited during sex that have been call 10 second man. Please Do u have any advice how i can last longer during sex? Cause I can see that the porn stars doesn't have problem with that.
The short answer is create a distraction. Do whatever you gotta do, to get over the hump. Give your body time to adjust to the sensation physically and mentally. If your too excited, you have to try different techniques to calm your body down. You can go thru the archives of earlier questions here on the site and there you can find different answers and techniques to your question.
- Mr. Marcus
- Gav wrote:
Pleasure to have the opportunity to talk with you Mr.Marcus. The Name's Gav. I'm working on my career to be a radio personality. Make this quick, as I mentioned I'm working meaning I'm not a celeb or work for any known companies but I would like to interview you in the future. Is that possible or do you only do interviews with known shows and people? If not, when the time is right, how do i contact you for this interview? The show would be either a recorded phone conversation or through webcam so traveling won't be necessary. Good looks in advance big guy.
I can be booked for interviews and appearances at
- Mr. Marcus
- Ian wrote:
Ian here again to thank you for always answering my friends questions. Sorry if it gets confusing as they all use my email to ask. But how do I find out where you'll make appearances at? I would like to know when you're going to be in New York so I can meet you and converse with you face to face. Heard you're a very cool guy in person. And since I'm on the topic, what are your favorite places to make appearances or party?
I'm always traveling. You can follow me on Twitter
- Mr. Marcus
- Cynthia wrote:
Hello Marcus. My name is Cynthia and my question is about your relationship and porn star life. I'm probably one of the few people especially women who isn't judging you on your decision to be in a relationship and do porn. I don't agree with it but I won't judge you on it. This was a discussion and a friend said 'For guys like Mr.Marcus to be in a relationship but do porn is no different from a regular dude cheating on his girlfriend except mr.marcus is worse because he can always use the excuse 'baby i'm at work' or 'this is my job. What's the point of being in a relationship then?'. As harsh as she was was being I can agree. So my questions are, do you ever feel like you're cheating on your woman with your career? What are the limits to the sex in your relationship or if your spouse were to have sex with another man would you see it as wrong or an even trade? And lastly, in your words, what's the difference between you and a regular man who have sex with other women while in a relationship? If you feel offended and don't want to answer I can understand. I know questions like these can get personal and maybe open a door in your life that you don't like opening. Love your work.
I never say "baby I'm at work" or "this is my job", she's never liked what I do and if I talked liked that she would definitely cuss me out...even more.
- Mr. Marcus
- Tammy wrote:
Hi Mr Marcus I'm Tammy. I'm friends with a guy who has a 17 year old daughter who just graduated high school and is going to be off to college in the fall. His daughter sees me as a big sis who she can talk to about anything. She told me that ever since she lost her virginity at the age of 16 she has been interested in the sex industry. She told me first she might start off as a stripper but get into porn later. I didn't tell her dad because I don't want to lose her trust and don't know how he would handle it. To feel him out on the subject, I brought up the Lawrence Fishbourne and his daughter situation and his answers were 'I know how guys are especially in porn. I wouldn't accept my daughter to engage in those kind of acts. Guys don't respect women in that industry'. Now I know you're reading this and thinking 'what does this have to do with me? I'm not a therapist' (laughs) but this is where you come in. You're very family oriented and you always talk about how accepting your family is about your career choice. I don't know if it was always like that but it is now I see. Also, you have a daughter (or two I think). So as a father and a porn star, how would you handle this situation if your daughter decided to do porn? And I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion but what advice would you give my friend on accepting his daughter as a porn star when he finds out? And as a bonus, how should the daughter break the news to her family, preferably her father? Thank you Mr.Marcus. Please respond I would love to hear from you.
Your full of cliches and stereotypes. You seem to already have an opinion and thought about kids, porn and parents, so I don't think any insight I can offer will change how you or your friend may feel.
- Mr. Marcus
- Christopher wrote:
Hi Mr. Marcus
I have just recently got married (3 months ago). My wife was born and raised in Vietnam. She's 4'11, 89Ibs, beautiful and much younger than I am. We've been having some trouble in the bedroom. We have hours of foreplay. I make sure she comes several times before I enter her but when we do have intercourse it's very painful for her. She's such a trouper that she doesn't complain but I want her to enjoy it just as much as I am. I've tried a few different types of lubricant but it's not working.
FYI – I am a large man – 8" and thick.
What can we do to make it easier for her?
Your wife is very petite especially compared to you, with that in mind, definite care in the bedroom is a must. It comes down to her being in control and finding a position that she can manage. Lube, arousal & a stimulating position should be on your checklist, your lube can vary from water to oil and even silicone based. Try all 3 and see which one she prefers and since you take the time to make sure she's fully aroused, then it comes down to finding the right position. And that is something I would leave up to her. Suggest to her, the spoon position (a position where you both lay on your side, you position behind her) or cowgirl (she's on top, either facing you or away from you) depending on if it's comfortable for her.
Either way you have to ask yourself, if intercourse isn't possible, would you be happy with other forms of sexual satisfaction with your wife?
- Mr. Marcus
- Robert B. wrote:
What was your inspiration for filming the 1997 video "Nightlife"? And out of all of the films that you have directed, does that particular one have a special place in your heart?
Stay cool,
Robert B.
To be honest "Nightlife" is a favorite of mines, because I like the concept. I'm a nightowl and "Nightlife" was meant to capture that. I still have the one-sheet we did to show to distributors and buyers. The cast was a group of girls that varied in look and style but they all that sex appeal and majority of the movie was shot with a night time atmosphere. That's what "Nightlife" is all about, bringing the freak out at night.
Here's a link for someone interested in watching "Nightlife".
- Mr. Marcus
- Papi Chulo wrote:
What device or which pills will really increase the size? Permanent!
Papi Chulo
Permanently??? Try surgery. And if that is doing to much (which it is) then be happy with what you got. Remind yourself John Wayne Bobbitt is working with half of what you got, so try using a pump, it'll last for a minute or two, but she'll never notice.
- Mr. Marcus
- Papi Chulo wrote:
Craz as hell.... that cost right?
Papi Chulo
Yeah that cost...more than it's worth.
- Mr. Marcus
- Jacarmy wrote:
Hey Mr. Marcus,
I need some advice on a 3 sum. A couple replied to an ad I posted on an internet website about a 3 some. The husband wants me to fuck his wife good.. Any advice on impressing them and also I get a lil nervous in 3 somes so I bought a cock ring to maintain my erection.. good idea? do cock rings work?.. help a brother out Mr. Marcus
If the husband is giving you permission to fuck his wife, than why be nervous? Get in there and own that pussy, that's what they bringing someone else in handle it. In that situation it's more about her than him, so make sure you cater to what she wants, he'll get off on knowing she's happy.
Never used a cock I can't tell you if they work or not. Hope it all works out, beautifully.
- Mr. Marcus
- Jeremiah wrote:
What device or which pills will really increase the size? Permanent!
Permanently??? Try surgery. And if that is doing to much (which it is) then be happy with what you got. Remind yourself John Wayne Bobbitt is working with half of what you got, so try using a pump, it'll last for a minute or two, but she'll never notice.
- Mr. Marcus
- Deshawn wrote:
Aye you think you can come and satisfy my cuzin.....plz
Ha. What she look like?
- Mr. Marcus
- Cj wrote:
what tips can you recommend to naturally increse penis size?
Check thru the archive, I've answered this question before. Appreciated.
P.S. Try using a pump. I sell one through Doc Johnson. Heard it works.
- Mr. Marcus
- 347 wrote:
Hey mr marcus wats up how r u when you coming 2 nyc
Hopefully this summer.
- Mr. Marcus
- Terrell wrote:
Dear Mr.Marcus does it feel weird when girls lick your ass and would u ever do gay porn for the right amount of money?
Nope and Nope.
- Mr. Marcus
- marquel wrote:
would u ever do gay porn
- Mr. Marcus
- Bepa wrote:
Thank you. !What an amazing website! but I've been confused in a way. I'll try to sort out.Thank's.
Thank you. We are making some changes to the website so that it is easier to navigate. Appreciate your support.
- Mr. Marcus
- Nancy wrote:
Hey Mr. Marcus,
I met a guy about 7 months ago. We had instant chemistry. Up front, he told me that he did not want a serious relationship because he had just gotten out of a marriage after 15 years. I am cool with that because I feel the same. What perplexes me is why he introduces me as his wife to friends and strangers. What kind of mind game is this? We've had sex once and it was mind-blowing. I am confident, but because we haven't had sex in 3 months and I really dig him, I feel like a lost my mojo. The easy thing would be to talk to him about it, I know & will, but I wanted your opinion.
Well if he's introducing you as his wife. Then he's basically telling people "Stay away...she's mine". Which is cool if you and him are having "Mind blowing sex", that means he's yours as well. The only concern would be that you mentioned you haven't had sex in 3 months. That could be problem. Let him know if you and him are not going to continue to have 'mind-blowing sex' then he gotta go back to just introducing you as a 'friend'.
- Mr. Marcus
- Bepa wrote:
Hi! I've just known (from your Twitter) you published a Book. And I really want to read it BUT I can't find it anywhere in my country. So, is "The Porn Star's Guide to Great Sex" sold in Russia? Or not? And could you tell me how I can get it?
You can order it direct from me signed at and click on the link to the book. It will take you to Paypal and you can order from there....or if you want to, you can go to and type in the keyword Mr.Marcus and order from there, but it won't be signed. :(
- Mr. Marcus
- kunle wrote:
Hello Mr Marcus,
Having little bit of issue with virgin because it is too tight and by the time I finish struggling to get in and calm her down erection is gone please what can I do?
Lube & liqour and make sure she's coherent and consenting.
....And if that don't work you ain't meant to. Virgin's are a very serious matter, take care and above all...take your time.
- Mr. Marcus
- Stanley wrote:
Good afternoon Marcus how you doing and how your day going so far. I will like to know how can I get your book and I will like to know if you can sign it for me also.
Please feel free to contact me back on here thank you
Have a bless day
You can order the book at for a signed copy. So don't wait...!
- Mr. Marcus
- Latoya wrote:
Hey Mr. Marcus. Hi my name is Latoya and I'm such a fan. But I want to know how can I do a video with you? And I love the book :) luv Latoya
I appreciate that shit to be real about. I hope the book does some good. Tell a friend. About that can't be camera shy.
- Mr. Marcus
- Tiyanna wrote:
my husband is highly sexual and I am not, but that dont stop me from role playing, being what he needs to make sure his needs are met- i refuse anal cuz my hole too small, but i try everything else, problem is he is not romantic or passionate, and when he tries to be he gets horny from it. how do i get him to see what i need and also how to make passion and romance feel real, most times it feels like he's holding me just so after he can ask for sex- im soo confused and we been married 5 years 2 kids and been together since high school- he wasnt raised seeing romance, more like aggression so I try to be dominated tellin him2 slap and pull my hair and other things but im scared, i been a tomboy forever and now im starting to feel like a sexy ass woman and want to be treated like that and he dont know what to do to be sensual, romantic, passionate- he dont miind having sex outside but he cant figure out what tools will help us make him a sensual passionate man. is it me? some folks say i knew he was this way why did i marry him- because we should evolve together and i feel alone- oh and i never heard about you until my friend said u was amazing in a movie- i thought u was a therapist or something, she just said to look you up
hope you can help
He probably still think you a tomboy, doesn't realize you have another side to you that wants to be treated sensually and passionately, not manhandled and aggressive. Maybe in that role playing scenario you come up with next time, try making the theme romantic and incorporate some of the things you like and see how he responds. If you make it interesting enough, he might request you do it more often, then you have the opportunity to show him how you like it. Try the teacher/student scenario and be the teacher, teach him what turns you on. And if he act up, punish the muthafucka, he might be turned on by this other side of you and if doesn't remind him you just role playing.
- Mr. Marcus
- KEVIN wrote:
hi, I am gay love to have a autograph picture of you and your big cock
write back
You can order an autograph picture thru (there are no nude pictures available)
- Mr. Marcus
- Tupac Fan wrote:
Hi Mr. Marcus,
I was reading an article you did a while back and you mentioned you met Tupac. I was wondering if you were involved in the How Do You Want It video and what is was like meeting Tupac? I'm a huge fan of Tupac and you as well.
Tupac Fan
Ron Hightower was responsible for the "How do you want it" video (a classic) I was there on set, but I arrived late. Big missed opportunity, been beating myself up over that one for a minute. Luckily I met Tupac a few months before that and he was as cool as can be expected. He was the man then and far as I'm concerned is still the Man, now.
- Mr. Marcus
- Deangelo wrote:
If u a young person and u looking for work and u wanna do porn wats a good place to go
I don't is everywhere far as I know.
- Mr. Marcus
- Hak wrote:
I want 2 purchase the pump but I want 2 know are the results temporary or permanent ...
Temporary. Just like working out or weight lifting, it only stays big if you continue to use the muscle and increase it's activity. A pump stretches only temporarily, but long enough to impress her. If you want to really keep her interested, your gonna have to have more than size to keep her interest.
- Mr. Marcus
- ybur wrote:
Ima sexy thick latina from jersey, and my question is this.
Iv been in a relationship with my man for about 4 years now, and I love to have sex, he gives it whenever I want which is once or twice a day. Its been this way for 4 years but now I feel like things are getting dull, even though he hasn't said anything. we've tried just about everything. Is there anything you can suggest that will spice things up for me and make sex fun again instead of it just being something I expect everyday just because ?
p.s. if you available, ill be satisfied with fucking you !!!
Have you tried bringing someone else into the bedroom? Or role playing? Using toys? Swinging with other couples? What about Travel Dates, booking a quick trip in another city or state, renting a room and acting like it's a first day...Travel Dates, literally. Establish any kind of sexual interest and build from there, don't confuse sexual intercourse with sexual satisfaction. Sometimes it's a good thing sexually to break things down, so you can build it up again. That's where all the fun could be and it also gives you a chance to try new things or old things differently.
- Mr. Marcus
- Hak wrote:
Does the pump really work?
Check my site for responses to this question, already. Thanks for your time.
- Mr. Marcus
- Manda wrote:
Mr. Marcus,
I absolutely love your vids!!! I'm 23 years old and my sex drive is extremely high (wet just!) I am waiting for my man to come back from being deployed overseas. I must say that I tend to get little wild (okay, cuffs, blindfold, paddle...yeah). We have had some wild nights before he went overseas(first experience of me squirting which he absolutely loves...and so do I) but he ends up getting bad leg cramps from me on top. I'll slow down then he'll get on top but his cramp would get worse...I don't want to injure! But he's coming back beginning next month and I don't want that to happen again...what do you suggest I should do or which positions to try...I want to wear him and myself out...I mean we haven't had sex since Aug. 2010...I want to make up for all that time...I want both of us to be sexually satisfied (without the leg cramps)...Thanks!!!
Seems like you got to warm him up. Like an other high energy activity, you have to prep your body, almost like preparing for a sport. Stretch him out a little, a walk maybe or even try play wrestling. You might even be able to incorporate it into your type of foreplay. There are a lot of things you can do, that don't require sexual contact to warm up and prep the body for sex. Going to the gym beforehand can loosen you up physically or hot shower does wonders on the body and if all fails, the jacuzzi is a good way to work out sore muscles or tight muscles that lead to cramps.
You also have that time factor on your side, it was almost a year ago when you and he last had sex, so he might be as anxious as you are and all your concerns or worries are unnecessary, cause he probably has a few plans of his own, that he can't wait to do to you.
P.S. Beautiful picture by the way.
- Mr. Marcus
- Sean wrote:
Mr. Marcus,
Thanks for responding to my questions.
Ok, I'll just go for it once I have a good camcorder and some lighting.
Just few more questions:
1. How do you find your first performers, especially when you have little money to pay them?
2. I don't know of any good locations. Would a nice hotel room do?
3. Finally, years ago we talk a few times on the phone. At the time, I was thinking of conducting interviews of Black male performers in order to write a book. I could not begin the project due to a lack of funds. I'm in a better financial situation now.
I still have your number. May I call you sometime when I am ready to start and get your advise on producing/directing?
1. Put an ad in the paper. Try your local strip club or night club places where a woman might be an exhibitionist.
2. Yep, a simple bed and 4 wall scenario
3. Infinite number of topics haven't made it to book form, yet. Keep the dream alive.
- Mr. Marcus
- John wrote:
My name is John & I would like to know does the pump really work I mean I have a nice size penis but I think I would have more faith in myself If it was bigger ...& if it does work are the symptoms temporary??
I think it last for a short period of time. But it gives you enough time to impress her with an extra inch or 2.
- Mr. Marcus
- hakeem wrote:
hi,im a big fan ,and i got a question for you,,one time in playboytv you mentioned a system to enlarge penis,what is the name ? is safe?it works?..THANKS
I don't remember what it was. But I can recommend my pump, The Mr.Marcus Big Daddy Pump, available through Doc Johnson. Either at or
- Mr. Marcus
- Kendrick wrote:
Do you know how to contact My girlfriend wants to give Castro a shot
You should be able to send them an email from the site. But if not, send her picture to this email ( and I'll forward it to a director I know who shoots for them.
- Mr. Marcus
- Sean wrote:
Mr. Marcus,
I've been a fan for years. I must stay, you haven't lost a step in all of your years in the business.
I think I have seen enough porn over the years to know what works and what doesn't. I know that a good scene isn't just about great sex, it's also about great actors, locations, lighting, camera angles, editing, etc. I think
I have what it takes to produce and direct but I lack experience and know-how.
That being said, I have a few questions:
1. Should I take a videography class before I get started?
2. Are there any producer/directors out there who hire interns or aprentices? Maybe, I can learn from a master like Jules Jordan?
3. How much money do I need to buy the equipment to get started?
I have many more questions but I don't want to take too much of your time.
Every director I've ever worked for shoots porn differently. Some have technical skills, others are creative and artistic and a few know how to inspire and capture emotions. What makes each director unique is why and how they
capture the sex, the performers they use, the location and the reason behind it all.
I've never seen an apprentice for any of the directors I've worked for and Jules is a one-man show.
Most equipment is affordable. And you could use pro-consumer equipment.
You only gain experience by doing.
- Mr. Marcus
- gretchen wrote:
I think you are a beautiful black man. I am 35, white, married but a freak on the low. It is my fantasy to have an affair with a black man with a big dick. Is your dick big?
Nope. Not compared to Mandingo or Lex.
- Mr. Marcus
- dhaskell wrote:
Mr Marcus, what was the title of the video with the scene of you and Honey, which is I think A.k.a super head? The one where she says “ it’s honey, mutha fucka, honey”?
It's called Mr.Marcus Cool Spot distributed by Vivid Video
- Mr. Marcus
- Lela wrote:
HI mr marcus big fan of your work me and my lover are big fans would you ever be interested in giving my lover a fantasy of having you once while i video it we dont want it to be out there it would be her fantasy as well as
mine to see her with a famous pornstar, I am asian so i know i cant compete and i love her so much and that is. our favorite scenes are the ones u had made with lela star we still watch those scenes thank you
I love Lela Star, I still keep in touch with her. She's a busy girl, maybe we'll link it back up one day. Thanks for the support. Appreciated.
- Mr. Marcus
- Hassan wrote:
Hey Mr. Marcus, How r u doing,
This is the first time ive seen u,(cuz i never concentrate on the male in porn lol).. and ive read most of the questions and i really appreciate the time u give to ur fans and ur detailed answers. anyway,I am an 18 and a half year old guy,going to italy this summer for university, and ive never had sex before.the thing is I don't want to be with an "Italian girl" while i dont have any experience which would be pretty bad for my confidence especially if she had had more than one italian guy before me, so i guess your advice would really be helpful. and also, I'm circumsized while there the guys aren't, would the girl be surprised or wouldnt like it because she s not used to it or what? thanks!
You lucky "Italian Girl"...that should be fun. I think women around the world have sex appeal, that appeal has a way of defining itself. Nothing to prepare for, some women more than others have a way about them that naturally defines what they want and how to achieve satisfaction, sexually. Don't trip on the circumcision, women adapt to the dick.
- Mr. Marcus
- De-De wrote:
Mr. Sexy Marcus,
My name is De-De, I know that you hear this a lot, but I love your work, My guy friend (who turned me on to you) and I used to watch your scenes and practice on each other so we could be good at what we do to our partners. You and Honey were my favorite!! But ok, heres the situation, lol. I hooked up with this guy almost two years ago. And he found out how good at sex I was, and wanted me to teach him, ( he WAS a virgin ) Ive done everything to him imaginable damn near and the only time he busted a nutt was when I was ridin him. I want him to fuck me and nutt where ever he chooses, but he cant even keep his dick hard long enough to do this unless im riding him!! He especially gets thrown when I change positions on his ass. Can you possible tell me IF there is anything I can try. We even tried him smokin a little tree, but that shyt made it worst, he fell asleep and his dick didn’t even get hard...............any advice? P.S. I am too jealous of the gurl who got one of your hats, (wink) lolz, so could I get a T-Shirt? PLEASE!!!!!
Bring home another girl to get the party started and then take if from there, if he wants her to stay, then fuck it, have her join in, but you run shit, do it your way so your comfortable. If this is out of your league then tell him to get HIS MIND right. Truth is, it takes two (2) to make it a good thing in the bedroom. He gotta put in his share, hear me. If your dominating him, then your gonna as a trade off, allow yourself to be dominated. Cause it sounds to me, you run things in the bedroom, which for some men, can be hard to do, relinquish control. Allow him to control what happens in the bedroom. It might be a good learning experience for BOTH of you.
DaddyGirl shirts will be available at the end of April. Thank you for coming thru.
- Mr. Marcus
- Garland wrote:
Hey my name is Garland an mr marcus your my hero im 19 soon to be 20 in july i know fan ask crazy thing but i want to be a poem star just like you an i will be one day but it would be a honor if i got to learn the game by you an you showed me the ropes please e mail me back an please think about bring me on board wit you i could be like a younger version of you lol this is what i want to so with my life i hope you can help me in some way
What the hell are u talkin about???
- Mr. Marcus
- Zora wrote:
I don't know if you'll read or not my mail but i have to tell you that i'm totally fan about you...not only for porn things but for your charisma,sex appeal....i'm very far of your country and i don't speak very well english because i'm french,my father comes from repuublica dominicana and my mother from Algeria,but i'll be happy if i got a chance to meet you one day..
Take care...kiss
Thank you!!!!!!! Just you sending an email means a lot. I appreciate your support. English, Algerian or French...Love is LOVE.
- Mr. Marcus
- Sara wrote:
How would a girl get into the business?
I recommend through an agency or if she's business savvy, create a business entity built around her sexual performances.
- Mr. Marcus
- massen wrote:
How do I become a porn star? I watch it and I really want to become one. Can you give me some suggestions!
I say, video and record the sex your having now and ask yourself should you SHARE it with the world.
- Mr. Marcus
- Elizabeth wrote:
I was told to email you at this address if I had anymore sex questions. I am curious to know as to what do men find so attractive about looking at a girls ass? Is it because they fantasize about how they are going to get their 8 inch penis inside one of the two holes that are forbidden? or is it just because they just love looking at asses?
Women have so many complex and appealing qualities that to focus on 'just' the ASS could leave us shallow and simplistic. It's a fault I know, but the ASS is so dam appealing and different in each woman, we have to appreciate an attractive ASS. To argue a point it's not us, sometimes it's Mother Nature or a great pair of jeans that determines our love for a great ASS. I don't think there is much we can do to change it, a great ASS will always command respect.
- Mr. Marcus
- Roshondra wrote:
is there any chance that we can meet?? i love and enjoy what you do and how you conduct youself
Definitely a chance we can meet. I say the world is big, but we run in small circles.
- Mr. Marcus
- bipolarbear420 wrote:
hey daddy, its Hawaii Jen I finally got to see some of your videos. Pretty cool. I was expecting to see a penis that looked too big to be real, but that wasn't the case. Lol. That's a good thing though, 14inch dongs are not allowed in my world. I'm sure I could handle you ;) lol have a wonderful week daddy..
I got the Goldilocks of dicks...not to small and not to big...but just right. If you wanna try it out, I have molded to real-life version available thru Doc Johnson toys. Go to and type in Mr.Marcus, or you can purchase directly through me and I'll send you the Vibrating Cock and Balls..signed.
- Mr. Marcus
- bipolarbear420 wrote:
Lol.k it's not the same tho.
I do not know what to say. I'm on one level your on another, I'm sure we both know where we at and how to handle it. Definitely.
- Mr. Marcus
- Shancie wrote:
Hi Mr. Marcus, I have watched your movies and videos and it just seems to get better and better, I am 18 year old female living in Brooklyn, NY. I know you probably get a bunch of emails, but if it's not too much i'd like to know if I want to get into the porn industry how do I go about it???
First, for me...I feel it's getting better & better too. :) But on another note, at 18 years old, realize you have more options than are apparent. You may not see them all, but if you apply yourself the world can be yours, see beyond this porn shit and think globally and apply yourself in a business wise way and YOU WILL REAP THE REWARDS. Especially if your from Brooklyn.
- Mr. Marcus
- Matt T wrote:
Dear Mr. Marcus,
I have a friend who is a beautiful sista. She is a dancer and wants to get into adult but is concerned about working with low-lifes. I would love four you to see her pics.
How can she get in contact with you?
I love you shit!
Eh Matt, apologies. If she really wants to get in the business, I could send her to a few agents, but I'm like fuck that...send her pics to me at and we can go from there. And honestly if I don't have the time and I know a few people who do, I'll forward the information. Definitely. Sorry for the delay in responding.
- Mr. Marcus
- Daniel wrote:
i just have a quick question. is there really an actual way to make a mans penis bigger? im askin since u are a pornstar and if there was a way u would probably know. If there is, think u could help me out nd let me kno?
Besides operation, from what I've learned over the years, the pump works the best. I have them available through my site or if ya want go to and type in Mr.Marcus Or you can purchase directly through me and I'll send you the Big Daddy Pump..signed.
- Mr. Marcus
- craig wrote:
what is the best way 2 get new girls into the biz??
Best way to get girls into the business is by self promoting them. Create an online page dedicated to them and market them as adult performers. Network at the parties and research different talent agencies and if your girls are hot enough, they'll get signed to a good agent and they'll thank for you coming to and getting all this information.
- Mr. Marcus
- Lisa wrote:
Mr Marcus,
My girl recently put me on to you and your videos…I know, I’m late! I’ve never been a huge fan of porn because I can’t stand how fake it all looks. Up until I saw your stuff (no pun intended) watching porn was just something to rag on for a laugh. What I love about your videos is that it looks like you’re really enjoying yourself, like if the cameras weren’t on you, you would be doing the exact same thing. I love the hat, and your tattoos, but my favorite things about you are the intense eye contact you give and the way you laugh/smile when something really gets you. For me, there is nothing sexier than eye contact. Keep doing you baby! You’ve swayed my opinions about porn, and I’m sure my hubby appreciates it!
Lisa, thanks for that, you just made my year. And your right I like doing it, with or without cameras.
- Mr. Marcus
- Roshondra wrote:
Could you see yourself settling down with one person??
Of course.
- Mr. Marcus
- Asja wrote:
what is it takes to get ur attention?
I don't know...I have an attention disorder, but if your talking about girls in general, then I like a girl who stands out in her own special way. Her clothes, attitude or presence. Someone self-assured and confident always catch my attention.
- Mr. Marcus
- Ray wrote:
Mr. Marcus,
I have watched your performance in your movies for many years. I was wondering how you maintain your erection after cumming so many times. Your erection stays strong throughout, no down time for you. What's your secret? Do you have a system of supplements that you take on a daily basis to perform at the level?
I don't use any supplements, I just stay aroused by the thoughts I keep in my head which are extremely explicit.
- Mr. Marcus
- Jen wrote:
hey daddy, its Hawaii Jen I finally got to see some of your videos. Pretty cool. I was expecting to see a penis that looked too big to be real, but that wasn't the case. Lol. That's a good thing though, 14inch dongs are not allowed in my world. I'm sure I could handle you ;) lol have a wonderful week daddy..
I got the Goldilocks of dicks...not to small and not to big...but just right. If you wanna try it out, I have molded to real-life version available thru Doc Johnson toys. Go to and type in Mr.Marcus
- Mr. Marcus
- R Mark wrote:
Ok thanks, it was hot summer weekday morning deal , that guy was way late causing prod prob , but heard mexican girl was hot and did well for first timer , thanks tho, and what do you do when chick not so hot or smells little , , thats when u earn your $$$$
I earn my money every time I work, whether the girl is cool or not. I do my best to be professional.
- Mr. Marcus
- Jeffrey wrote:
Mr. Marcus,
Please! Please! Please! Don't be offended by this question I am going to ask about the porn industry.
In recent films, I have seen major straight male actors in the poor industry do some kinky ass stuff (get their salad tossed, squirted, etc). My question is "Should I draw the conclusion that these actors MAY go both ways or become bisexual?
I have always wondered that in the back of my mind. I am not by not means saying you gay or bisexual (FOR THE RECORD). I know you love pussy to the fullest. I love pussy as well. Can't get enough of it. But I will say that if my homebody that I am cool with every happen to be horny and we couldnt find no pussy at the moment, I would suck his dick just because me and him are cool as friends. Is that bad to think that way? and... Do you feel that guys in the industry get so much of one thing that they may cross over for a bit in private?
I am no here to judge anyone's manhood but i do feel that you can go so far before you start to experiment.
Needing an honest answer.
Jeffrey...I don't know about the other guys in the business. To be honest on this topic, I'm the wrong guy to ask.
- Mr. Marcus
- Eddie wrote:
I was wondering if you had Mr. Marcus's Casting Couch 2 for sale?
We're in the process of putting all the scenes from Casting Couch #1-4 up on my site. You'd have to be a member to view them all, which you should become after reading this...Appreciated.
- Mr. Marcus
- SMS wrote:
happy Friday...hope yours is wonderful :)
I enjoy every Friday I get. Hope you do the same.
- Mr. Marcus
- Daniele wrote:
Hello MR MARCUS!!! i'm from italy my name is daniele (sorry for my english) i guest to be like you a really great porn really fuck like a GURU!!! for me in the world you're the number one!! i just like to ask you something about supplement and vitamin! i've tried almost everything, like Vitamin C, Vitamin E, B Complex, Zinc, Arginine, Citrulline, Some cayenne pepper, gingko biloba....what you suggest me to take to have a kind of erection as steel as yours!? what supplement (for bodybuilding) and so erection/libido you take? you like L-Tyrosine ? i know you're really a GURU i'd like to purchase your there any suggestion to what vitamin/mineral take to boost erection hardness and libido!? sorry for all my questions...i hope to hear you soon...many wishes from're really the best porn actor in the world!!! daniele.
To be very honest, I do not take any supplements, but I am in the process of creating my own line of herbal, natural and very organic supplements. I believe a lot of our stresses/issues are in the mind, there are things great for your body, but I think having a strong mind, leads the way. If an erection is your main objective, then try using the doctor prescribed medicine for ED, that's very popular right now. In the meanwhile stay tuned for my line of herbal supplements coming later this year.
- Mr. Marcus
- Cherey wrote:
Hey Mr. Marcus,
First let me say that I truly enjoy your work and your wife/girlfriend is really lucky! Now, I have a question...............can you give me some techniques on the Cowgirl position? Note that I am a 5"7, plus-sized woman with 40 F breasts. I'm just having trouble getting the natural bounce going. Also, what can you recommend for a girl trying to master deep throating? How exactly do you turn that gag reflex off???
One technique they like to use in the movies when the girl is riding in the cowgirl position is to have her bend completely over to one side or the other of the guy and use just her hips and ass to control movement. You might have to use your lower back to create a rhythm, but once you do, he should be able to enjoy and keep up with your natural bounce. For mastering deep throating, the only thing I've seen women do that seems to practice, practice and more practice. Plus it helps if you relax and find a position your in control and comfortable in.
- Mr. Marcus
- 4052266872 wrote:
Iet me start buy saying that i really didnt like the way u answered my question there is allways freshness wit me.i asked how can i get more
Apologies if you took offense. I've been with women who were unaware of the odor or smell, you necessarily may not be that way, but your boyfriend may have had a bad experience with going down on a woman before so he's hesitant to do it again. When I talked to other guys that was the number one reason why they wouldn't go down on a woman, they weren't sure if it would be "fresh" down there. Most men, if they are into you and your body, they will...willingly explore every nook and cranny of your body. You ask how you can get more...? Then present to him a package he can't wait to open and play with.
- Mr. Marcus
- Shamika wrote:
I know you get a lot of questions and request but I would like to know about the man behind the movies. My question...R u in a relationship and do you have kids? And if you dont have should cause you have a good DNA make-up!
I am in a relationship. Been with the same woman for 17 years in April. It's crazy and sane at the same time. And yep we got some beautiful kids in a real way.
- Mr. Marcus
- lady j wrote:
I need ur book like last yr i want my bf to give me head and i have tryed all kinds of ways but no hapes we been together 5ys can u help lady j
I think being fresh is key. Men have a thing in their mind where the pussy isn't always fresh, so eating it is out of the question. That could be an issue or maybe he needs a creative way of being inspired to go low. I know for a fact eating out my girl really well, means that she will reciprocate even better. #Fact
- Mr. Marcus
- Yasmine wrote: age rank is between 18-21 I was wondering what's are some oral sex tips u can give a college girl like me.. im always looking to improve..
PS u should come to Baltimore walk with it
If you are not incorporating the hand technique in your oral skills, you should be. Supahead got ahead by using this method. Use two hands and your mouth and work them'll get a satisfied man who'll hook you up with dinner and a movie.
- Mr. Marcus
- Lydia wrote:
Hey Mr. Marcus,
Let me start by say you are so fine. Ok now that I got that out the way here's my question. I'm a plus size girl but I want to get into the porn business. I love having sex. How would I go about that? I'm sendin you a picture or two. Tell me what you think. I actually sent you like 5 pics.
Thank you
Lydia, 25 Columbia, SC
You have some huge ta-ta's!!!!! The way the internet is can create your own website built around you and make all the money. Charge for membership and make some side cash showing off what you've obviously been blessed with.
- Mr. Marcus
- bipolarbear420 wrote:
I just realized that I should probably look up some of your work, cause I've never seen any of your vids. Lol. I just saw your pics and your smile. And I was sold. Plus the first pic I saw of you had a tupac book in the background that I own. Sold twice. I'll check out vids one day! :) have a happy week papi
thank you, let me know what you think...
- Mr. Marcus
- marina wrote:
I'm not really sure why I'm writing this...
Also, I'm aware the you, Marcus, are not going to directly respond ( in other words a email/ media manager will).
I really enjoy your work! One of the few that I do watch!
So here is my question, do you ever visit Atlanta?
Yep I've been to Atlanta a few times this past year and I plan on coming back again this year. So now what...? You gonna come hang with me?
- Mr. Marcus
- Hawaii Jen wrote:
I'm no skinny girl, but its cool if u don't like big girls. Lol I sent u an,add on facebook. My name on there is sally :) u can text me if u want & I can send pics via my phone
Hawaii Jen :)
I like women in all shapes and sizes as long as they cool people. And I just added you to my Friends on Facebook -anybody else wanna be my friend on Facebook go to:
- Mr. Marcus
- Crystal wrote:
Mr. Marcus,
You are so fine, sexy and delicious. I follow you on facebook and twitter and I must say DAMN!! My boyfriend gets upset because I always watch your movies. I love the way you lick your lips and move those hips lol. Question what made you start wearing fitted caps during your scenes? You are one fine brother and your face shouldn't be covered up. How many tattoos do you have? If you could have sex with one person who would it be and why? Are you into bondage you know whips, chains, handcuffs, etc?
Crystal aka MsDelicious23
Dam got questions!? I like wearing the hat cause it's my signature makes me standout and I think I look better with it on. I have 10 tattoo's...I think. If I could have sex with one person I'd start with Halle Berry and end with Regina King. And yep I like all of those things, whips, chains...etc....I like to use them on women. :)))
- Mr. Marcus
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