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- anonymous wrote:
Hey Marcus,
My question is nice and simple...I want you to fuck me, can you make that happen? I want that black dick inside of me!!! Every time I watch your films, I get turned on instantly!
We're gonna post your question on the site, anonymously of course, glad I can inspire that thought so explicitly.
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No one knows sex better than all time favorite, award-winning porn star Mr. Marcus, so who else to turn to when y
ou want to turn up the heat in your bedroom? Humorous, arousing and candid, Mr. Marcus offers a practical approach to achieving a great sex life...
Practical, playful and erotic, The Porn Star's Guide to Great Sex is real advice for real people as Mr. Marcus shows you how to achieve greater sexual satisfaction and how to tap into your own potential for the great sex life that you deserve.
This one is worth the wait in every way. The cast is incredible and as the box says, there isn’t a fake boob in the fucking house. Read Full Review @ >>>
Journal 2011 Just A Dream
Thought I killed someone, but it turned out to be only a dream. When I woke, I was relieved, can’t have that kind of burden on my shoulders especially when I still have a long way to go. What had happen was, I dreamt I was about to have sex with a girl I had just met, she was wearing these white shorts that barely covered her ass and she wore dark red knee high socks that revealed a few inches of skin between her nylon socks and polyester shorts. Her top was an all white tee with a black and red print of a girl bent over a chair eating a fried chicken leg and a dog nipping at her thighs hoping to get a few crumbs. We met in the water I was swimming and she was dog paddling with a bucket of KFC on her surfboard. Cut to a room where all the lights were yellow, mustard yellow with a dark tint. Her in that white outfit while I found myself wearing a tuxedo made of leather. She had baby oil on a dresser I tried to speak and tell her what to do with it, but she already was pouring it down the collar of my suit, what the hell was happening. A phone started ringing it was hers and she began complaining into the phone to some guy named lil Wayne what I remember her saying was “it’s my turn to get off, your 3,000 miles away and you can’t do shit about it” and at that very instance, the door to the main room burst open and there was this dude lil Wayne standing there with a Tech 9 behind his back like Ice-T on the Power album cover. He instantly pointed the Tech 9 in my direction, “wtf” I thought, all I wanted was some pussy, fried chicken, to wear some leather and get massaged in baby oil.
When I looked back in his direction the gun had turned into a microphone and we were in a recording booth. Oh shit, I’m about to rap, but before I could utter a single word, the girl who had changed into some lingerie from Victoria Secret started rapping like she was Nikki Minaj or something “…your love your love” I was about to say “shorty I’m gonna tell you this once, you’re the illest…” and then this lil Wayne character started singing something about “…now you in this corner trying to put it together, how to love” I knew this was a dream because the video hoes weren’t dancing or shaking their asses, they were instead studying for finals. Paper and pencils, books and notepads and all the girls were wearing nothing but underwear. This was my kind of dream except for that lil Wayne guy, he was fucking up my vibe, I had to get rid of him, out of the corner of my eye, I seen that girl Darlene, Ice-T’s ex standing there holding that same sawed-off shotgun she was last seen holding on the Power CD cover. She must have read my mine, because before I could say anything she handed me the shotgun…oh shit…lil Wayne I’m about to get you, but before I could pull the trigger, a DJ (I don’t know where he came from either) gave me a shout out on the mic. All I heard was “shout out to Mr.Marcus in the club tonight” and before I knew it someone turned on the lights in the club and I saw all those video hoes wearing nothing at all, butt naked shaking their asses with books in their hands. I tried to make a step towards them, but at that very moment I woke up. DAMMMM!!!
It’s work and I’m not always successful. The key is effort and establishing good diverse relationships
Behind every crazy man there is an even crazier woman
Nothing ventured, nothing learned
1 Against so many
1 With so many
They don’t really like you. Actually they kinda despise you. Remember those, but know who truly loves you.
Hard work is everything you expected but the reward is unimaginable.
Donald Trump demands Stevie Wonder is blind - @ACR0B
Happy Mothers Day to all you strong, supportive & beautiful women out there who handle it all.
If you’re fighting with or haven’t talked to your mom, mend that fence. You only get one true mother. Take the time for peace and forgive. It’s never to late.
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It was about that time that Mr. Marcus arrived, accompanied by fellow performer Lexington Steele—and in a welcome surprise, veteran performer Julian St. Jox showed up a few minutes later, and Margold welcomed all three up onto the stage. The trio posed for photos, and Marcus reminisced about his time in the industry, and how he "idolized" St. Jox.
"Marcus is a true pussy-hound," St. Jox responded.
Steele also told a story about how the three of them had been in Tokyo several years ago, and that even though none of them spoke Japanese, Marcus had nonetheless managed to pick up two local girls, neither of whom spoke any English.
We left just as Marcus was placing his hands into the cement, and Pistol had earlier noted that he'd like to take all of the imprinted cement blocks and create a sort of "Grauman's Chinese Theater of Porn"—but that's a story for another day.
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Congrats to @Chyna_Do11@djOGsprocket and @MsQueen_Z for winning my book #ThePornStarGuidetoGreatSex signed, sealed and delivered from me.
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Fan Book Review
Your book is a game-changer. I started reading it the evening I bought it. Not what I a very good way. I never got any complaints from any of the guys I've been with & have an awesome set of skills in my reperoitre, but your book helped me up my game, big time! I appreciate your openess and straight forward approach. I've always found men so complex, especially when sex is involved. The book taught me to take a deeper look at what I want sexually and to communicate my desires verbally & non-verbally. I've started noticing how intuitive some men are. It's so sexy when a man can read my eyes and know that I want him. Practice makes perfect, especially with your book!
Part 3
The mood went from social too suspicious as every male in the room, just for a moment, thinks of the possibilities. She felt the energy shift it was her job to know what men were thinking, to anticipate what they would do, before they did it. Her sixth sense kicked in and she started laughing out loud to the thought of what they must be thinking. Those that sensed how awkward this must be making her feel, decided to laugh along with her, not knowing what they were laughing about and those guys who were focused on the TV just sat there in silence. The sounds coming from the TV mixed with the silence, the uncomfortable laughter and the groans and moans of sex. Porn the business of sex had once again been put on display. Creating a strange mix of party, pleasure and perplexity. She glanced back at the TV set and instantly recognized the people on the screen, she smiled on the inside, because it was one of her favorite performers. Someone must of noticed she was enjoying what she was watching and could tell she seemed comfortable sitting in a room full of guys watching porn.
“You like watching this stuff?” asked a young dude by the name of Jimmy. She wasn’t gonna lie, she had watched this “stuff” since she first discovered this “stuff” in her mama’s nightstand. “Yeah I do, but I don’t call it stuff, I call it porn”. Jimmy thought for a minute on how to respond, he didn’t want anything from her, he was just amazed that she was so straightforward. “Yeah porn, whatever, you like watching it huh, that’s cool, I do too”. The two of them, made an unlikely pairing. Her in vintage dark blue skinny jeans and neon blue Vans topped off with a T-Shirt that had a Smiley face on the front with a bullet hole through it’s head, blood squirted all over it’s yellow space. And Jimmy still holding on to the Jordan era, wearing a pair of Air Jordan’s circa 1995, that clashed with a pair of green Bugle Boy shorts, he wore a black fitted t-shirt with ‘Can’t touch this’ typed across the front. He was a hip-hop head, nothing wrong with that, she loved hip-hop and Jimmy did his best to represent it.
The kid who flipped to the porn channel in the first place, thinking he would get a few laughs, didn’t expect his best friend to make the first move on the only girl in the room, but there he was sitting side by side with the cute chick in the Smiley face shirt while in the background on the TV screen two girls were doing it doggy style on the hood of Mustang convertible while another girl just watched and played with herself. He started to regret his decision to introduce porn to the room, but said fuck it, because no one really seemed to mind, especially the girl. Time for a cold beer and maybe a phone call to female friend of his own if Jimmy might get lucky, shit I might as well get luck too. He reached for his phone as he headed to the ice cooler for another beer. Jimmy stopped his conversation looked up and saw Raymond heading to the cooler “Hey Ray, get me one too” he looked at the porno chick and asked her if she wanted one too, she shook her head. “Don’t drink”. He had a look of disappointment but quickly tried to mask it with a smile, but the result was a smirk.
The girls on screen proceeded to slap one another across the ass, smiling with each crack of the muscles hard slaps could be heard across the room prompting some of the guys to move closer to the television. This was getting good.
She snapped out of it, her hands had found their way to her pussy and she couldn’t stop its slow movement across her pussy lips. She was moist, sweaty moist and her fingers were becoming sticky. Even though that thought was months and months back, the memory was as fresh as yesterday. She sat on the bed alone, remembering that night and the events that came afterwards. She tugged at her ankle bracelet. It wasn’t coming off, at least not right now, not tonight. She missed Jimmy, he had become a good ‘fuck-around’ that’s what they called it, because after that night that’s all they did was fuck around. His dick used to fill her up, her pussy could only take so much, but he had a technique that made him seem bigger than he really was. He’d lay her on her stomach and completely cover her from up top, he’d slide his dick in between her thighs till he reached her vagina lips and slowly spread the outer walls with a slow and shallow stroke. She instantly wanted him further, but she knew to be patient, he knew what he was doing and she was in good hands. Dam, her pussy was gushing at the thought of it. Why the fuck did she cuss him out and send him on his way. Memories were getting her through the day, but that’s it, she had a week to go before her and Jimmy would make their way to California. They had answered an ad on the Internet, but first they had a few problems that needed to be taken care of before they went anywhere. She stuck a finger deep inside her pussy. She could cum if she wanted, she had that control, thinking back to how Jimmy used to have her lay there with her ass in the air and how she would let him have his way with her, made her squirm to get her finger up in there, further. The dank from the pussy juice spread to the sheets, she thought about the hotel maids, having to wash the sheets, but then her thoughts turned to the number of women laying alone in a cheap hotel room doing the same thing. Couldn’t be a high number, women could get dick anytime they wanted. Or could they? She didn’t have time to answer or ponder that question, she gushed slowly from between her thighs, as she clenched her legs together. She could still hear the slaps across the asses of the women who were fucking on that Mustang, she could see it to and if she really let her mind go, she could taste it. That taste of pussy is unforgettable, because there is nothing else like it in the world. Her fingers quickly found themselves inside her mouth. She ran her tongue across and between her middle and index fingers. The tang of an acid mixed with the sweetness of vanilla ran through her nose and down her throat, her mouth searched for more, she found what connected her to those women on the Mustang, it was on her fingers, between her thighs, on her sheets and in her mind. And she would follow wherever that feeling took her, it was her right as a woman.
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Artist: NationSaidIt
Label: Family Ties Entertainment Watch Utube video
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