My Thoughts
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Invest in yourself
Engaged forever to sex
Fuck them muthafucka’s who try to keep you down, they have no vision…none.
Must have vision
RAP: Rhythm and Purpose
2 souls 1 love
Any anger that breaks, is the love that will bind
The anger that breaks or the love that binds?
These girls are everywhere…looking everywhere
Acknowledge what’s in front of your eyes, but do not judge. Do not judge. Judgment is not yours. Instead acknowledge the beauty of vision.
Juicy /adj/. 1. Full of juice, succulent. 2. interesting; racy; scandalous. 3. profitable
Much more sexual than sane
The ones you love and the ones you need to love are all you’ll ever meet
Yeeeaaaahhh Man
Sex is for the living
You have to lie to be honest
Clit Poppin’
Every girl wants to fuck don’t you think so?
Grow or Die
Fuck or be fucked
There is no retirement from sex
Rhythm Interrupted
Beaten into a bloody pulp, the worst of all defeats
A champion is a winner because he is driven and every winner after him is driven because of him (her)
Imagine a dealer who hooked up all his clients to his supplier and told his supplier he wanted a percentage, in fact demanded it (that’s gangsta business)
A sea of calm is where the storm brews
Where was my heart?
1 Down (Fo’life)
Onion Booty
Memory Musically Researched (MMR)
Website Update: A rebuilding of a home
Dee of my Obsession
Fuck or be Fucked
And we are all infected
What you don’t discover other’s will
We need You
Knowledge is using the mirrors to look back without turning your head
I am whoever I am
Soul Exchange
Consider it done
No one ever said keeping a promise was easy
Make another mental note of it as you remember it
Golf; the long and the short of it
You have to think beyond what you thought
Ever have a day when you overcome a personal challenge and all who know it are you and God?
We are only as "smart" as the information we have obtained at that time
No stall in your life
Just because you know something doesn't mean you know everything
Work from a desire to know…more…ya know
One letter begets another
Ignorance: Misconception from misinformation
A Bad boy's perfect accessory is a Good girl
Sensitive to what you need and gangsta to what you want
Once you start helping one, you gotta help them all |
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